About Zoo SP


Our story began in June 1957, when Governor Jânio Quadros decided alongside Emílio Varoli (director of the Department of Hunting and Fishing at the Secretariat of Agriculture) to create the São Paulo Zoo.

From then on, we took baby steps, taking shape and making our first footprints with the first inhabitants: Brazilian animals like jaguars and Guianan cocks-of-the-rocks, as well as exotics like lions, camels, bears, and elephants.

We were scheduled to open in January 1958. But a downpour came, so we held our horses and postponed our inauguration. So, on March 16th of that same year, we got everyone together, threw a party, and officially opened the Zoo SP!

The rain still made an appearance, but many more people showed up. They were excited to see our beautiful 482 animals, after all! Deers, jaguars, wild cats, bears, parrots, and our infamous rhino “Cacareco”, that even ran and won a position in the city council in 1959.

Bunch of characters, huh?

Você sabia?

Cacareco was an important figure in the Zoo’s history. The first rhinoceros born in Brazil on February 14, 1954, Cacareco was a female black rhino that came from the Rio de Janeiro Zoo to brighten up the inauguration of Zoo SP.

Charismatic and graceful, she soon became beloved by the population, got her own toy made after her, and became the subject of a Carnival song: “Cacareco is the greatest”!

She also was a symbol of protest. In the 1959 city council elections, she was voted on by 100,000 people who were protesting against the other candidates. This got the world’s attention and became an article in the Times magazine.

Isn’t she the greatest?


We take our animals under our wings and protect them above all. Being proactive is constantly our choice. That’s why we’re the first Brazilian institution to propose and participate in several projects to protect endangered species such as the zoo golden lion tamarin, the ocelot, and the Lear’s macaw.

If it’s about protecting the animals, we’re always willing to go the extra mile.



Our animals are the main characters here. That’s why they receive that five-star care, always focused on conservation, animal welfare, and everyone’s education. And our team of beasts is responsible for the daily service of a lot of attention, affection, and love for every living being.

Get to know some professionals closely and the areas they represent.



Biologist Behavioral Management and Animal Welfare

Expertise in ex-situ wildlife management, behavior, and animal welfare.Biology graduate from Universidade Estadual Paulista, postgraduate from UEM in Biology and Conservation of Wild Fauna, currently specializing in Animal Behavior at PUC Minas.

Began her professional career in Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Acted as a tour guide at the Bela Vista Biological Refuge and also as a visitors’ guide at the Itaipu Tourist Complex. Coordinated Environmental Education projects under the supervision of INCRA, Itaipu Binacional, and Parque das Aves.

In the Wild Fauna area, worked in communications at Parque das Aves, where she also conducted technical visits. She went deeper into learning about Environmental Enrichment at the Güirá Oga Rescue Center, located in Porto Iguaçu, Argentina, and, later, at the BioParque in Rio de Janeiro. She has developed practices and training in Animal Welfare, having built a knowledge base and valuable experiences to address the new challenges here at the São Paulo Zoo.


Chief Safari Biologist SP

Responsible for ensuring that all the animals’ needs are met. On a daily basis, Ariel observes how each animal behaves according to its species, if the environment meets its natural needs, if it is eating properly and if its general conditions are compatible with those of a healthy animal.

When any alteration in these aspects is identified, the biologist plans actions such as changes in the handling or environment of the animal, trains, and guides the handlers or calls in the team of veterinarians according to the situation, always aiming for the well-being of each of the animals that live at Safari SP.


Technical Director Zoo SP

Graduate in Biological Sciences from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), post-graduate from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), and specialist in Zoology.

Technical Director of Reserva Paulista, Claudio is the Technical Manager for the Zoo and Botanical Garden São Paulo.


Management Manager - Herpetofauna

Cybele is a biologist with a master’s degree in Fauna Conservation and is currently the management manager of the Herpetofauna Sector. She has been in this role since 2009, responsible for all activities involving the management of amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates in captivity, from basic care, population management, team coordination and guidance, and enclosure planning, among others.

Since then, she has also developed and guided research projects related to herpetofauna, both ex-situ and in-situ, such as fauna surveys, and natural history, and applied research in conservation and captive management techniques.

It also manages two ex-situ conservation programs with endangered species of amphibians (Scinax Alcatraz and Nyctimantis dove). In addition, she is also the regional president of the Brazilian Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG-Brasil/IUCN SSC) since 2016.


Bird Sector Biologist

Biology graduate from Mackenzie University with a master’s degree in fauna conservation from PPGCFau (Postgraduate Program in Fauna Conservation UFSCAR/FPZSP), currently developing her dissertation on the embryonic development of wild birds.

She joined Zoological Park Foundation of São Paulo in 1995 as an intern, then served as a biologist for the Poultry Sector from 2002 to 2004 when she became the chief biologist and has been in this role for 17 years.

In December 2021, she was hired by the company Reserva Paulista – São Paulo’s Zoo to continue being responsible for the Poultry Sector, managing the handling of more than 750 animals of 88 species.


Agronomist Engineer

With a degree in Agronomic Engineering from the Lavras’ Higher School of Agriculture, now UFLA, and a postgraduate degree in Plant Protection from the Federal University of Viçosa and ABEAS, Fernando worked in a company in the chemical sector -agricultural, carrying

out market research and development in the areas of Vegetal Nutrition, Phyto Regulators, and Minor-Use Pesticides.

The engineer also managed companies in the graphic and events sector and was an instructor of the course “JOVEM APRENDIZ RURAL” – FAESP / SENAR. In 2012, he joined Zoological Park Foundation of São Paulo and is now part of the technical team at Reserva Paulista, where he remains responsible for the planning and execution of the agricultural production at Zoological’s Farm, in Araçoiaba da Serra – SP, to provide quality food for the animals’ diets. These are mainly fresh forage grasses and legumes, in addition to items for animal behavioral enrichment.


Biologist - Technical Board Assistant

Responsible for the management and movement of the herd, Laura controls and ensures that the animals are duly registered in national and international systems. Furthermore, she assists the Board of Directors in technical-administrative matters.


Biologist - Mammals Sector

Luan Morais holds a bachelor’s degree and a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Grande ABC (2012), as well as a postgraduate degree (lato sensu) in Management and Conservation of Wild Fauna from the University of Santo Amaro (2015); and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Fauna Conservation at the Federal University of São Carlos. He was responsible for the Professional Improvement Program in the Mammals Sector’s  Biological Sciences Division in the Zoological Park Foundation of São Paulo (2012-2014). He was head of the technical sector (Mammals Sector from 2017 to 2019) and in 2019 he was in charge of Zoo Safari at FPZSP. He is currently the chief biologist of the Mammals Sector of Reserva Paulista, responsible for the supervision, management, and care of more than 290 animals of 63 different species.



Zootechnics graduate from the Federal University of Paraná, Lucas has worked as a zootechnician in zoos and aquariums in Brazil, being responsible for the nutrition and feeding of animals kept at the Brasília– DF, and BioParque do Rio – RJ.

He completed his master’s degree in Animal Nutrition in 2017, studying the nutrition of primates under human care. He acted as a coordinator in the nutrition group of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums of Brazil – AZAB, coordinating the project of the first specific feed

for anteaters developed in Brazil. Currently, he is a member of the AZAB nutrition group and responsible for the animal nutrition and food sector at the São Paulo Zoo, developing studies in the line of nutrition, animal behavior, and sustainability.


Biologist at the Zoo SP Technical Department

Biological Sciences graduate from the São Judas Tadeu University, Mara holds the title of Specialist in Zoology at CRBio-1, working as a biologist at the Zoological Park Foundation of São Paulo (FPZSP) since 1992 in the Division of Biological Sciences with a focus on mammals.

She was curator of the Mammals Sector at FPZSP (2006-2010) and general curator from 2009 to 2010. She has experience in Zoology, with an emphasis on management. She is currently a biologist at the Department.

A Technician at FPZSP President of the São Paulo Association of Zoos and Aquariums, administrator and registrar of ZIMS/Species 360 at FPZSP, and Brazilian representative of the System.

She is also co-keeper of the Leontopithecus group before ICMBio and a management consultant for the ex-situ Leontopithecus Program. Participated in the review of the list of endangered Fauna for Mammals of the State of São Paulo (2016), and acts in the establishment of actions aimed at Public Policy focused on environmental conservation in the State (Public Policy of the State of São Paulo), Pró-Primatas Commission. Participated in the elaboration of the National Action Plan of ICMBio for Puma (Puma concolor), small felines, and mammals of the Central Atlantic Forest.

In addition, she coordinates the FPZSP’s Inter-Institutional Relations Center and is a member of the FPZSP’s Ethics Committee on Animal Use (CEUA).


Technical Director of the Living Collections

Nino Amazonas is responsible for the technical direction of the living collections of the Botanical Garden of São Paulo, for the flora technical team, and for liaising with researchers and representatives of the scientific institutions associated with the Botanical Garden. His team unites a forestry engineer, a biologist, and gardening professionals.

Nino is a biologist (UFPB), master and doctor in Conservation and Management of Forest Ecosystems (ESALQ/USP), and postdoctoral fellow in Plant Biology (UERJ-UFRJ).

He developed research mainly related to the ecological restoration of the Atlantic Forest, plant ecophysiology, functional ecology, ecosystem ecology, and plant taxonomy. He has extensive experience in scientific research in academia, project management, and technical consultancy in the private sector and governmental and non-governmental organizations.


Curator – Botanical Garden SP

Renato Borges de Carvalho is the curator of the living plant collections. A biologist with more than 10 years of experience in botany and forest inventories, he is part of the flora technical team, working in the maintenance of the database and guidance of horticultural management activities for bromeliads, orchids, trees, and palm trees in the Botanical Garden collection of São Paulo, also carrying out activities in the seedling nursery.


Responsible for the Gardening Service and Maintenance of Green Areas

Rose is a forestry engineer responsible for managing the vegetation at the Zoo, Botanical Garden, and Safari SP. She holds a master’s degree in Forestry Resources (ESALQ/USP) and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of São Paulo.

Since 2020, she has been working with flora management in urban parks and public-private concessions. Worked with many environmental adaptations of rural properties with a focus on the conservation and recovery of degraded areas. During 10 years, more than 400 hectares were planted with native species, with over 650,000 seedlings. She has extensive experience in the preparation of projects and maps, licensing, financial follow-up, implementation, and monitoring.

She also has experience in climate change and carbon stock quantification, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and water use (water footprint).


Fazenda Zoo

Tiago holds a Master’s Degree in Sustainability in Environmental Management from UFSCar; specialization in Integrated Management of Quality, Environment, Safety, and Health at Work, Social Responsibility by SENAC, Professional Improvement in Environmental Education and Monitoring applied to Environmental Management by FPZSP, University Extension in Environmental Education by UFMS and Biologist by PUC-SP.

He has always worked in the implementation of public and institutional policies, certifications, programs, and projects related to sustainability, the environment, environmental education, and integrated management.

He began his career in zoos at a young age: as a volunteer at the Sorocaba Municipal Zoo, he then worked in parks and urban green areas and worked for many years at the Zoological Park Foundation of São Paulo.

He has developed socio-environmental work and actions with major regional impacts. Currently, he is part of the technical team of Reserva Paulista at Zoological’s Farm, in the interior of the state.

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